Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Links I am looking at this morning instead of doing this work

I read it and I don't agree with it much and its a very boring post, so don't bother reading this - Five Microsoft apps that will change IT

This states something I have said before and that the 'App' concept is to spread. Report: Apps Move to New Devices in 2012 I would go further than this article and say that the app, and the app marketplace concept will spread to the desktop as a haven of safety for corporate and private users. If those apps are given some form of authority via certification filtering.

i follow Michael on twitter so that where this link came from, But I am lying, I haven't read all this I just went to look. Michael Crump’s Development Daily!

Clearly I need to read about the marketplace test kit, as LostKilo is nearing completion, Marketplace tsting

Somewwhere I go every day as its an aggregation of VS news. Top 10 Microsoft Developer Links

This is about kinect for windows as opposed to kinect for the xbox. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/kinectforwindows/archive/2011/11/22/kinect-for-windows-building-the-future.aspx

And so that amounts to half an hour of not fixing the problem of navigating between page on the windows phone.

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