I moved the web site for WatchMyWeight to the vista pc last night.
The whole site should run faster and more reliably as this machine is a far higher spec, and has a network cable, not a wireless connection. I still haven't updated the pages to the new price structure.
I thought of a great new product as well.
Because I have been using ebay to buy cycle parts. And the web site is very crowded. And I have got an idea.... but probably not the time to implement it.
I woke up at about 2:00 this morning and realised what I was going to have to do with watchmy weight. I need to raise the price.
Sometime in the next few days I am going to raise the price to 15 pounds. I don't know what this will work out in dollars or euros. But I need to raise the price.
So its going to happen.
So it anyone wants to buy WatchMyWeight for next to nothing, they better do it in the next 48 hours or so.